Platform Ready App

Our coaching app is the centre of all of our coaching and programming. It means you can track your progress throughout all training blocks. It also means we have full visibility of exercise compliance and allows the lifter to add videos to the lift prescribed.
If you are a coaching client we can also review, annotate and provide in app voice feedback on the lifting videos you add to the app.
We are really happy with the standard of the app and also the feedback from clients. All programming clients will be given access to the app for the duration of their program. We feel this is a much better option instead of spreadsheets, google sheets or a PDF.

All lifts are based on your max for each lift, therefore you know you are working at the optimal range for each set. Your estimated max is also shown based on your daily estimated max for each lift. This is great for those days that you feel much stronger than normal, but also great for those days where you just aren't feeling it.
Programs are a combination of RPE and % of max effort. This gives you ultimate flexibility and ensures you get the most out of each and every training session.