5 Tips To Improve Your Squat
Improve your squat
Improving your squat can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, it's possible to take your strength to the next level.
These tips don't focus on technique, they are aimed at giving you more tools when others don't quite work.
5 Tips to improve your squat
Use a combination of linear and undulating periodisation: Instead of using a linear progression model where you add weight to the bar every time you train or only focus on increasing the frequency of your squat sessions, try using a combination of both. You can use a linear progression model for a few weeks or months, then switch to an undulating periodization model where you vary the rep ranges and weight used from workout to workout.
Incorporate accommodating resistance: Instead of using traditional weights, incorporate accommodating resistance such as bands or chains into your squat training. This can help increase the challenge as you lift the weight and can help improve your strength and power.
Use variations of the squat: In addition to the traditional back squat, incorporate other variations such as front squats, overhead squats, and box squats into your training. These variations can target different muscle groups and help improve your overall squat strength.
Focus on the eccentric phase: The eccentric, or lowering, phase of the squat is when the muscles are under the most tension. Try slowing down the eccentric phase of your squats and focusing on controlling the descent. This can help improve your strength and muscle growth.
Use prehab and rehab exercises: Incorporating exercises that focus on mobility, stability, and injury prevention can improve your squat performance and reduce the risk of injury. This includes exercises such as foam rolling, dynamic stretches, and core stability exercises.
It's important to keep in mind that different approaches will work better for different people, and the best approach for improving squat strength will depend on your goals, experience level, and any potential limitations or injuries you may have. It's generally a good idea to try out different methods and see what works best for you.
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